Introducing The Hottest KUROSAKI ICHIGO


Tuesday 15 February 2011

This KUROSAKI ICHIGO....main character in Anime BLEACH. The story begin like this.... Ichigo is a teenager gifted with the ability to see spirits. His life is drastically changed by the sudden appearance of a Shinigami - one who governs the flow of souls between the human world and the afterlife - named Kuchiki Rukia who arrives in search of a Hollow (a ghost or a dangerous lost soul that become a devil itself and eat other pure soul) When Rukia is severely wounded while trying to defeat the Hollow, she attempts to transfer half of her reiatsu, literally, ("spiritual pressure") energy to Ichigo so that he can defeat the Hollow. However, Ichigo takes almost all of her energy, transforming into a Shinigami and allowing him to defeat the Hollow with ease. With her powers diminished, Rukia is left stranded in the human world until she can recover her strength. In the meantime, Ichigo must take over Rukia's role as a Shinigami, battling Hollows and guiding souls to the afterlife realm known as the Soul Society. So the adventure begin.

This series start with the Manga on 2001 (Bleach Manga)its a weekly publishing, an ongoing series and the chapter up to 423, then the anime start airing in 2006 also still ongoing.(Bleach Anime)

- Aku dah follow series ni dari awal lagi, dari manga hingga ke anime. Tapi manga dia aku baca ikut online sebab kat sini susah nak dapat, jadi sayang sebab tak dapat buat collection. Minat aku baca manga ni pun sebab BLEACH ni la. Yang best nya aku ngan laki aku share hobby baca komik ni dari zaman kami sekolah lagi. Tapi dulu kitorang baca 'Pedang setiawan' 'Wira Tunggal' 'Pendekar Laut' dan banyak lagi. Semua komik2 nia kitorang simpan buat collection. Tapi sekarang dah busy (dan dah tua) jadi takde la aktif sangat macam dulu, laki aku bleach ni dia cuma tengok anime jer aku je yang still baca manga. Cuma itulah susah nak jumpa perempuan minat bende-bende macam ni, lagi lah yang umur macam aku.(macam budak kecik). Sekarang aku share hobi ni dengan anak-anak buah aku yang laki.(untung dapat makcik cam aku) cuma bila tengok anime atau manga kene hati-hati sebab dia bukan hanya untuk budak-budak tapi ada adult stories jugak yang tak sesuai untuk kanak-kanak. So kene tengok dan pantau apa yang mereka buka dan lihat.

So pada yang ingin cuba membaca dan melihat click je la kat link tuh. Aku rasa mungkin ada yang tak tahu ape tu Manga ke anime ke next post aku explain pasal bende tuh plak ok.

Kat bawah ni ada gambar-gambar Ichigo dan kawan-kawan. Paling best memang lah ichigo, tapi renji, kenpaci & byakuya pun cool & hot gitu. diorang ni semua shinigami.

Ichigo, Renji, Zaraki kenpaci, Kuchiki Byakuya, Tetsugaya

Kurosaki Ichigo

Kurosaki Ichigo Hollow

Uryuu, Grimjow, Ichigo, Rukia, Tetsugaya

Ichigo x Rukia


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